Letter to the Editor
Residents Express Gratitude for Help with Cell Tower Issue
by The Schuvart family and Residents of Cranford/Westfield adjacent to Lenape Park
February 07, 2009
To the Editor:
This letter is to express our gratitude to the many wonderful people who helped in the rejection of the 120-foot cell phone tower that was proposed on the border of Cranford and Westfield at the Cranford Swim Club. First of all, our sincere thanks to the Cranford Zoning Board who unanimously denied this project at a meeting on Dec. 8, 2008. We are also deeply appreciative to The Board of Chosen Freeholders led by Bette Jane Kowalski with Norman Albert, Union County attorney, and his witness Victor Vinegra, who together helped us greatly in this case.
John Schmidt, our outstanding attorney, and the many fine people he called to testify, has guided us through this long and arduous process to the rejection of this proposal by the Zoning Board.
Many concerned people working together helped us overcome this threat to our homes, neighborhoods and Lenape Park. Audrey and Joe Muratore, residents of Cranford, provided invaluable assistance. We are grateful to the six hundred plus people who signed our petition against this cell tower application. Special thanks to the people who faithfully attended the Zoning Board meetings, both residents affected and others to support us such as Barbara and Frank Krause of Cranford, Vicky Kimmins and Jo Neylan, Westfield Council members, as well as those who wrote letters to the newspapers and those who spoke against this tower at the many meetings.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the people of the press who faithfully covered our long ordeal. The Cranford Chronicle and the Suburban News unfailingly published our meeting dates, provided news coverage and printed residents concerns in letters to the editor. The Westfield Leader provided press coverage and printed the letters of residents opposed to the tower construction. Leslie Murray of the Cranford Chronicle and Christina Hinke of the Westfield Leader both wrote excellent detailed accounts of the Zoning Board meetings.
Sara Magnola, editor of the Cranford Chronicle, Gregg Marx, former editor of the Cranford Chronicle, Ellen Dooley, editor of the Suburban News, Paul Greulich, formerly of the Cranford Eagle now with the Local Source as well as Robert Missick, formerly of The Star-Ledger and Ron Angeles of The Star-Ledger have all helped us put important notices and articles in their papers. We thank them for their interest and help in keeping the public informed.
It is distressing that newspapers are facing a financial crisis at this time and sadly, some are not surviving. They help immeasurably in getting out the news to the people, especially the local news. They are also a voice for those citizens who want to express an opinion, suggestion or objection. A free press is one of our most precious freedoms and it should be supported so that it will never disappear.
Once again we are very grateful to the many good, fair and interested people who assisted us over these long months to arrive at this place. We will never forget your kindness and help.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Suburban News 02/07/2009
Posted by
Cranford Resident
10:26 PM