The Cranford Zoning Board of Adjustment has tentatively rescheduled the May 5, 2008 continuation hearing for the Cranford Swim Club cell tower proposal for the following dates:
Meeting Information:
DATE: Monday, June 23, 2008 & Monday, July 14, 2008
TIME: 8:15pm
PLACE: Cranford Municipal Building [Room 107], 8 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey
The following will be heard:
Application #Z17-07: (Continuation)
New York SMSA Limited Partnership, Applicant
201 County Park Drive, Block 109, Lot 46, R-1 Zone
To permit construction of a telecommunications tower with the following variances/waivers:
Tower not permitted in the R-1 zone (136-33K(6);
To exceed the maximum allowable height for a tower (136-33K(10);
Less than the minimum required setback for a tower (136-33K(10)(b);
Less than the minimum required setback to a residential zone for a tower (136-33K(10)(c);
To exceed the maximum allowable square footage for an equipment cabinet (136-33K(12)(a);
Less than the minimum required front yard setback for equipment (136-30.6);
Less than the minimum required side yard setback (136-30.7)
PUBLIC PORTION - Any interested party may appear at said hearing and participate therein in accordance with the rules of the Zoning Board.
At this meeting the applicant [New York SMSA Limited Partnership/Verizon] is slated to introduce testimony from a real estate appraiser, a radiofrequency [RF] engineer and a site planner.
Please mark your calendars and make arrangements to attend. This meeting is absolutely crucial and we must have a strong residential turnout to show our complete opposition against this cell tower proposal!
All Zoning Board Meeting dates will be confirmed as the tentative dates approach. For further information on all Zoning Board Meetings, please contact the Cranford Zoning Board of Adjustment (908) 709-7216.
Thank you again for all of your ongoing support!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Action Alert! Zoning Board Meeting Rescheduled
Posted by
Cranford Resident
9:29 PM