Cranford Chronicle
Letter to the Editor
January 25, 2008
Many Reasons Why Tower is Inappropriate
To The Chronicle:
Briefly, the reasons this tower is totally inappropriate are:
1. Too many important zoning laws would be ignored and too many serious variances required to build it here.
2. The tower would be located in an all-residential area and will set a precedent for more such towers to be erected in residential zones, destroying neighborhoods.
3. Property values would be severely reduced, and nearby owners would have difficulty selling their homes.
4. It would be accompanied by a diesel generator and 225-gallon fuel tank.
5. Unknown health and safety issues.
6. The cell tower and antennas will stand approximately 60 feet above the tree tops, with four to five levels of antennas. Operation of such a tower would be 24 hours daily, seven days a week.
7. It will denigrate the atmosphere of the area and adjacent Lenape Park, which is used by residents from many nearby towns, and have an adverse effect on the Rahway River Parkway Historic District. The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders adamantly opposes the construction of this cell phone tower at the Cranford Swimming Club site. Natural areas of placid parkland should be preserved for use now and for the future.
It is evident that other areas will be subject to cell phone towers put in residential areas, so let us stop this proposal now and let the elected officials of Cranford and Westfield know this is unacceptable. Please attend the Jan. 28 meeting of the Cranford Zoning Board. Call (908) 709-7216 for confirmation of the meeting.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Cranford Chronicle 1/25/2008
Posted by
Cranford Resident
10:42 PM