Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Zoning Board Application

Here is the application information:

Township of Cranford Zoning Board Application #Z17-07

New York SMSA Limited Partnership, Applicant

201 County Park Drive, Block 109, Lot 46, R-1 Zone

To permit construction of a telecommunications tower with the following variances/waivers:

Tower not permitted in the R-1 zone (136-33K(6);

To exceed the maximum allowable height for a tower (136-33K(10);

Less than the minimum required setback for a tower (136-33K(10)(b);

Less than the minimum required setback to a residential zone for a tower (136-33K(10)(c);

To exceed the maximum allowable square footage for an equipment cabinet (136-33K(12)(a);

Less than the minimum required front yard setback for equipment (136-30.6);

Less than the minimum required side yard setback (136-30.7)

Note the strongest variance - TOWER IS NOT PERMITTED IN A RESIDENTIAL ZONE (R-1)

What more does the Zoning Board need?