Friday, September 26, 2008

Action Alert! Zoning Board Meeting 10/06/2008

The Cranford Zoning Board of Adjustment will hold a continuation hearing for the Cranford Swim Club cell tower proposal on Monday, October 6, 2008.

Meeting Information:

DATE: Monday, October 6, 2008

TIME: 8:15pm

PLACE: Cranford Municipal Building [Room 107], 8 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey

Please arrive early as we are expecting a large turnout!

This Zoning Board meeting will also be televised live on Cranford's TV-35. Please tune in if you cannot make it to the meeting!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Action Alert! Write to Your Local Newspaper Today!

For those who wish to write letters to the editor of your local newspapers voicing your concerns and opposition to the cell tower application at the Cranford Swim Club, I have compiled a list of the appropriate links.

Please click the appropriate link below to the newspaper that you wish to submit a letter to:

The Suburban News

Cranford Chronicle

Union County Local Source

The Star Ledger

The Westfield Leader

The Scotch Plains - Fanwood Times

Union County Local Source: Submit Your Own Cell Tower Updates & News

If there are any other newspaper links that you would like to see added to this list, please email me at and I will gladly add all additional links.

Thank you again to everyone for all of the support that we have received! Please continue to spread our online petition - we greatly appreciate each and every signature!

Continue the fight Cranford!